
Here is a selection of my favorite and most polished projects/experiments over the last 5 years, sorted by period of interest (Most recent first).

Lattice Boltzman Method (LBM)

Canonical solver of the LBM in D2Q9.

Curl visualized in blue/red. Amazing resources: book blog.

Markov-Chain Diffusion-Limited-Aggregation (MCDLA)

A Markov Chain interpretation of the DLA process. The idea is to replace the individual brownian motion simulation with the computation of the probability: $$ x\in \partial X_n, f_n(x) = \mathbb{P}\left(B_{\tau_n} = x | \tau_n < \infty \right) $$ where tau is the stopping time of a Brownian motion, coming from infinity, touching X_n, the DLA at stage n. Such computation is performed on a discrete grid as the fixpoint of the markov chain transition matrix with uniform diffusion except around the boundary of the DLA where the particles are stuck. The next stage of the DLA is computed as:

$$ X_{n+1} = X_n \cup \bigcup_{i = 1}^{\lfloor\sqrt{n}\rfloor} Y_i, \text{ where } Y_i \sim f_n $$


Computes very fast (in quasilinear time) an assignation that is a good approximation of the optimal one. (Sadly, it has already been published). It works really well when the optimality is not as important as speed such as in color transfer.


Forest Fire simulation by coupled discrete stochastic processes


Road Generation

“Estimation of the volume of Voronoi cells in high dimension and control variables in Monte Carlo rendering”

4th year research project supervised by David Coeurjolly and Vincent Nivoliers

NESOTS trailer


Image Segmentation : Region Growing and Split and Merge Algorithms

Edge Detection : Hough Transform and improvements


Stable Fluids implementation

Standard Stable Fluids implementation :


Cloth simulation : Mass Spring System & XPBD

Ambiant Occlusion & Diffusion Limited Aggregation

Use of Normal information to improve differential operators on polygonal meshes

1 month research internship supervised by David Coeurjolly.

NESOTS trailer

Curves & Clouds - A scientific visualization and computing library

A lot a different topics are covered :

Simple raytracer/sphere-tracer


Fluid, Solid & Cloth interaction simulation

Misc :

Version 2020 --------------------------------- Version 2024

Modular knots, inspired by the amazing article of Etienne Ghys & Jos Leys. I will probably write a blog post or do a video about it because it was an amazing 4 year long journey where I often came back to improve the computations gradually.

Image approximating cellular automata
Procedural tree generation